We were inspected on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June 2022. We received an overall “Good” judgement which we were thrilled about.

Some key features that were highlighted by the Inspectors across the visit were:

“This is a friendly school with kindness at its heart”

“Staff know the pupils and their families well.”

“Adults show pupils how to build and maintain relationships based on respect”

“Pupils feel safe”

“Pupils behaviour is good. From the start in early years, children are polite and display good manners.”

“Pupils respond well to the high expectation that staff have of them.”

“Pupils say bullying does not happen. Pupils trust adults to help them with any concerns or worries they may have.”

“Pupils study a broad range of subjects. Leaders are ambitious in their expectations of what pupils can achieve, including those with SEND.”

“The curriculum builds on what pupils know. It is ambitious.”

“Pupils enjoy taking part in the range of activities on offer, such as gymnastics, dance and drama.”

If you would like to read the full report please click here.

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Ofsted Report

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