We were very lucky to be accredited with the Kindness Award for our school in 2020. We have been re-accredited with this award in 2022, 2023 and 2024. This award acknowledges our commitment and dedication to kindness across school. It runs through our ethos and our hopes and wishes for all of our children.

“Kindness is free. Sprinkle it everywhere!”

Within school we read a story called “The Story of the Kindness Elves” and each class has a Kindness Elf to keep a look out for Kindness.

Reception children receive notes from the elves acknowledging the kindness that they have shown.

We set kindness missions, often sharing our kindness in the community with drop offs of items we have made to share with others.

Margaret, our lovely volunteer runs a Kindness Club each week and children can opt to come along and share some crafts/activities together.

Kindness in the community

We have made links with a local care home Sycamore Lodge, in Boldon and have enjoyed visits to the care home. Each class has a pen pal from the care home and we regularly share cards and messages with each other.

We often deliver little messages and gifts of random kindness in the community too.

Our aim is to build further upon being a Kindness School and become A School of Character.
